Through It

Workplace Investigations And Mediation Services

workplace investigations and mediation services

No one should be ignored or dismissed.



The health and wellness of an organization are dual responsibilities between the employee and the employer. I help support this balance by providing organizations with meaningful strategies on how to resolve workplace issues. I provide workplace investigations, assessments, restoration recommendations, and effective mediation. Schedule a mediation consultation.


confidential workplace investigation

I offer neutral, third-party investigations that adhere to principles of procedural fairness, impartiality, and objectiveness. Discretion and confidentiality are at the core of these investigations for all parties involved. 


other mediation services

Do you need mediation for a matter that does not involve a workplace? I am certified by the Harvard Law School to mediate any dispute. Mediation can occur at any stage, before or during a litigation process. My focal areas are workplace mediation , family mediation , and estate settlement mediation.

Why Should You Consider An Independent Investigation To Support Your Organizational Safety?

An independent investigation is crucial for the wellness of an organization. I understand from a personal and professional level what can occur if workplace issues are not properly managed and the hardship it can create. Organizations that deal with issues internally can have high workloads and the employees designated to investigate workplace issues are already wearing too many hats and feel overworked. Therefore, the investigations may not get the attention they require. Internal investigations of a workplace concern can create conflicts of interest, make future working relationships problematic and impact neutrality. Alignments and friendships or the alternative, interpersonal issues, may hinder the objectivity that an investigation requires. An independent party removes the potential for bias, honours statutory regulations and safety laws. Creating safety starts with an independent investigation that has the expertise and manages the concerns promptly with a standard of care.

A Leader Who Understands Management

I have a Certification Of Specialization In Leadership And Management from the Harvard Business School Online.

I possess credentials in:

Leadership, Ethics and Corporate Accountability

Management Essentials

Negotiation Mastery

Harvard Law School Mediation Certification

Queen’s IRC Labour Relations Certification

Workplace Conflicts and Mastering Fact-Finding and Investigation

Restoration and Assessment

Hill Advisory Services Harassment Investigation Level 1 and 2

BA Acadia University

BSW University of Windsor

  • Vandalism, Theft, Or Sabotage
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Harassment
  • Inappropriate Use Of Authority
  • Discrimination
  • Racism
  • Safety Concerns
  • Policy Violation
  • Bullying
  • Respectful Workplace Complaint